Tigray conflict: Report calls for accountability for violations and abuses by all parties

The report covers the period from 3 November 2020, when the armed conflict began between the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF), the Eritrean Defence Force (EDF), the Amhara Special Forces (ASF), the Amhara militia, and Fano on one side, and the Tigrayan Special Forces (TSF), Tigrayan militia and other allied groups on the other, until 28 June 2021 when the Ethiopian Government declared a unilateral ceasefire.  (Read More)

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Genocide watch against the Amhara and Afar people by the TPLF in Ethiopia.

October 31, 2021

The TPLF forces from Tigray, in Northern Ethiopia, have now advanced deep into southern Welllo, Amhara region and are waging a hand-to-hand battle in Desie and Kombelcha to take over the cities. It is to be remembered that the TPLF has time and again threatened the Amhara population stating that it has “issues to settle “with the Amhara people. Clearly, the massacre in MAYKADRA, CHIFRA, KOBO as well as a number of massacres and targeted displacement of the Amhara and Afra people while TPLF was in full control of Ethiopia from 1991- 2018 heightens the concern about the now advancing TPLF forces and what they may do to the Amhar and Afar people in Ethiopia. SOCEPP Canada is deeply concerned about a possible forced displacement and Genocide by the TPLF forces. . We urge the international community to be fully aware of this serious concern and put TPLF and its leadership on notice against any such inhuman and degrading treatment of the Amhara and Afar people including any crime against humanity and Genocide activity. We ask the international community and all genocide watch groups to pay attention to this alert.

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የሀዘን መግለጫ

የድርጅታችን የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ እስረኛች አንድነት ኮሚቴ በካናዳ  (SOCEPP Canada) የረጅም ጊዜ የቦርድ አባል የነበረው አቶ ሰለሞን ወርቅነህ በድንገተኛ ህመም እሁድ ኦክቶበር 10፣ 2021 ከዚህ አለም በሞት  መለየቱን ስንገልጽ በታላቅ ሀዘን ነው፡፡ አቶ ሰለሞን በሀገራችን በኢትዮጰያ የግፍ ስርዓት እንዲያከትም ሰብዓዊ  መብትም

 እንዲከበር እጅግ ብዙ ተግባሮችን ፈጽሟል፡ አቶ ሰለሞን በዚህ ረገድ በህይወቱ ላደረገው ሁሉ ባለውለታነታችንን እየገለጽን ለቤተስቡ እንዲሁም ለወዳጅ ዘመዱች ሁሉ መጽናናትና ጥንካሬን እንመኛለን፡፡




It is  with great sadness that we announce the sudden death of SOLOMON WORKNEH,  a long standing board member of SOCEPP Canada on October 10, 2021  . Solomon was a dedicated human Right Advocate who struggled for respect of Human and Democratic Rights and the end of tyranny in Ethiopian.    Solomon was key in bringing the suffering of the Ethiopian people to the attention of parliamentarians as well as other Canadian citizens. We at SOCEPP Canada are immensely proud to have worked with a person of Solomon’s dedication and caliber. We will honor his legacy by continuing to dedicate ourselves to the very ideas of respect for Human and Democratic Rights in Ethiopia.

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A UN insider provides evidence of bias of officials of the UN taking sides in Ethiopia’s ten-month old conflict

“…Surprisingly, most other African UN staff also tended to share this view of bias predominantly among staff of aid agencies who are of western/European origins. They would tell you that WHO, OCHA, WFP and IOM staff come from their respective headquarters with preconceived ideas of the crisis that are not often in sync with the reality on the ground. However, these Ethiopian and African staff are afraid to go in the open to make such a statement, and even worse, to present evidence to that effect for fear of reprisals. Nobody wants to lose a UN job!…” (Read More)

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Ethiopian Mystery: The Case of the 428 Disappearing Food Aid Trucks

For nearly a year, warmonger and USAID administrator Samantha Power has been shrieking about famine in Ethiopia’s Tigray, and demanding the humanitarian corridor that 428 massive food aid trucks have now mysteriously disappeared into (read more)

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Probe in Ethiopia’s Tigray did not reach site of Axum attack: UN

The United Nations human rights chief has said a highly awaited joint investigation into abuses in Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict was unable to deploy to the site of one of its deadliest attacks, the alleged massacre of several hundred people in the holy city of Axum. (Read More)

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“Many in the West quickly lined up against the Ethiopian government in its conflict with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. But reports of the exploitation of children, in addition to other atrocities by the TPLF, should cause Canada to reassess its dispassionate position and take a stand, write Ann Fitz-Gerald and Hugh Segal.” (Read More)


The world has failed to bring perpetrators of human rights violations to justice

Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners (SOCEPP-Canada)

የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ እሥረኞች አንድነት ኮሚቴ በካናዳ (ኢፖእአኮ-ካናዳ)

Email: socepp-can@humanrightsethiopia.com  socepp.can@sympatico.ca

April 6, 2021

Amnesty International

1 Easton Street

London WC1X0DW

United Kingdom

Dear Sir/Madam,

As part of the Human Rights abuse perpetrated by the TPLF led government of Ethiopia, several individuals have been disappeared. 

Despite our repeated appeal to disclose the whereabouts of these victims, the government has completely shown no interest to account for their whereabouts or to bring their case to justice.

Among these victims are members of an opposition party, EPRP, whose particulars are shown in the attached. Since our formation and legal registration here in Canada, we at SOCEPP Canada communicated to the government of Ethiopia, International Human Rights Groups such as Amnesty and others such as the Government of Canada, Canadian Members of Parliament as well as others and documented the facts about these victims. Despite the related appeal, the TPLF led Ethiopian government has failed to respond or address this issue.

Now that the TPLF itself and its political and military leaders who were high ranking members of the party have been removed from power in Ethiopia, the government and security forces at the time of the arrest of the now disappeared, in turn, are currently detained, being investigated, and are on the run. Hence, the burden is on the current government to account for the whereabouts of political prisoners who disappeared under the defunct leadership of the TPLF.

The victims, their family’s, friends, and Ethiopians at large deserve justice. There is no reason why those who have inflicted such an injustice could not be held accountable. Therefore, given your renewed interest in the respect of human rights in Ethiopia and your highly publicized role in bringing perpetrators of human rights abuse to justice, we urge you to join us in demanding the government to investigate the situation of the disappeared shown in this list and other Human Rights violations perpetrated by the TPLF led government and not accounted for.

We look forward to seeing your support of being a voice for the voiceless in this regard.


Aklilu Wendaferew

President, SOCEPP-Canada



  • Human Rights watch
  • UN Commission on Human Right
  • Ethiopian Human Rights Commission
  • Government of Canada
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“ዳግም ስህተት እንዳንሰራ” (voanews.com)

Lest we make the same mistake: The international community’s response to current situation in Ethiopia”

ከላይ የተጠቀስውን ርዕሰ አስመለከቶ የቪኦኤው ያማርኛው ፕሮግራም ይድርጅታችንን ሊቀመንበር አንጋግሮ ነበር:: ለዝርዝሩ ዳግም ስህተት እንዳንሰራ የሚለውን መገናኛ ይጫኑና ያዳምጡ ( “ዳግም ስህተት እንዳንሰራ” (voanews.com)




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በትግራይ ክልል በቁጥጥር ሥር የዋሉ ግለሰቦች ምርመራ እንዲፋጠን ተጠየቀ

የኢትዮጵያ ሰብዓዊ መብቶች ኮሚሽን ከትግራይ ክልል የሕግ ማስከበር ዘመቻ ጋር ተያይዞ በቁጥጥር ሥር ውለው ጉዳያቸው እየታየ ያሉ ተጠርጣሪዎች፣ የወንጀል ምርመራቸውን በተቻለ ፍጥነት እንዲጠናቀቅና የሕግ አግባብ በሚፈቅደው መሠረት ሊለቀቁ የሚገባቸው ታሳሪዎች እንዲለዩ አሳሰበ፡፡ (Read more)

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